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Climate TherapyECHNNatureness

Ecopsychology with Attitude

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We all are the truth of Natureness, Nature's essence, space-time's life in action.


Project NatureConnect’s green-switch form of science and psychology is beneficially exquisite because “normal” science says there is no such thing as absolute truth while these words are it.

Dear UN Secretary-General and other Visitors,

A sunlit Joy of Nature welcomes you!

Please be delighted that you are experiencing undeniable green switch truth that includes your presence as it continues to grow this website.

Green switch truth embraces that you are reading these words in this instant’s space and time (space-time).

NOTE This  green switch paragraph goes one helpful step beyond objective science because it includes it is true that as you are reading it, you are breathing, 

You can’t deny or dispute this self-evident fact without lying because you, and a possible witness, know this is happening.

Project NatureConnect’s green-switch form of science and psychology is beneficially exquisite because “normal” science says there is no such thing as absolute truth while these words are it.

Do you recognize that, in this moment, as human beings, we are living and breathing, wordless Nature, with words, loving to begin life and dance it?

We all are the truth of Natureness, Nature’s essence, space-time’s life in action.

This website is built on the splendor of exquisite Natureness truth. To help our broken world recover from our distortions, Natureness converts these pages into trustable energies that solve problems as they unite what destructively has been separated. We cannot stray from their facts without lying while the rest of the world continues to fabricate stories and painfully deteriorate itself.  

Do you trust this website’s existential information and yourself?

If so, how refreshing and therapeutic is that?

Whatever you think, feel, or do in this or any moment is brilliantly existential. It’s a sparkling self-evident, Natureness fact that needs no words to prove it because its truth is happening and integrated with and without words.

Furthermore, when you Natureness-connect in a natural area or with a pet, you sense its Natureness there,” not “read these words here.” That is when authentic Nature blends with your Natureness and self-corrects as needed. That happiness increases personal and universal well-being.

As you learn this Natureness fact from these words, you are Natureness in action. You are surviving by wordlessly respirating (re-spirting) as you feel and inhale Nature’s atmosphere and sense suffocation when you do not.

That’s what’s unique about Natureness and its authenticity. It’s more accurate than mathematics, and you delight in its reality because you experience it as you are it. It directly registers in your senses of consciousness, reason, and literacy, along with your other 51 senses.

For example, as it does that, it is self-evident and existential. You do not need to prove it; you are it. You matter. You are true to life. Our broken world desperately needs you to help it so Nature can help you and yours.

You can trust Project NatureConnect like no other resource because every part of it stems from 57 years of Natureness’s truth, as above, gorgeously revealing itself in natural areas to expedition study groups.

In 1965 it confirmed the irrefutable fact that, without Natureness’s power, humanity could speak words and Nature could not. That hands-on truth remains absolute today. Think about it.

You have never witnessed Nature relating through words simply because it doesn’t. However, like the natural attraction energies of gravity, magnetism, atoms, and sunlight, that truth is accurate, grounded, and lasting. You were just it; you know this better than most folks.

Wonderfully, you also know it’s just as accurate that on this website, like anywhere else, Natureness lets Nature’s essence speak its truth with words that unify and heal us and our planet.

Space-time is Nature’s self-correcting essence (Natureness) of all things, including the past and future.

As its essence happens and grows simultaneously, as a single unit oneness, everything’s attractions and attachments grow and can be changed for the better,  moment by moment.

Anytime something is true about one thing, it is also true for the essence of all things.

The one exception is our stories that refute or torpedo this unifying truth. They exist while they deny that they lie.

These lies injure Nature’s essence because Nature does not use or understand its words, so it’s vulnerable to the harm they produce.

Only Natureness can peacefully transform these lies into its continual love to begin life.

In 1925, the flow of space-time Big Bang Universe science replaced in-vogue Newtonian Universe entropy and its static, conquer-Nature ways that used science as a weapon of mass destruction.

However, we still habitually think and relate to outdated Newtonian facts. We suffer because as its abusive energy wounds our “inner child’s nature,” in space-time, simultaneously, it wounds all things.

That’s the hidden source of our war with nature. Natureness (Nature’s essence) remedies it by creating 54-sense moments in a natural area where they connect, blend and strengthen with its wisdom.

This is significant. It exquisitely helps authentic Nature use our words to teach us what we need to know. Natureness and those words can be put on the internet and in media to stop breaking our world. That’s the missing green switch. 

To your benefit, as you progress here, you learn how to let Natureness’s words and acts become therapeutic, unifying part of your every thought, feeling, and relationship.

No offense intended, but truth to tell, devoid of Natureness, all the knowledge and authorities in the world today continue to mislead us by omitting that they draft us to be soldiers or pirates in their catastrophic war with Nature and its harmful outcomes, including climate changes and species extinction.

Without Natureness, we and the natural world are presently 75% disabled and bankrupt. Moreover, being be-wildered (excessively wilderness separated), we create mental illness and other problems by helplessly accepting our abusiveness as a necessity of civilized life.

We can’t trust our stories or our leader’s management abilities because, being Natureness deficient, they strengthen rather than remedy our war with Nature and its disastrous effects around, in, and as us.

Our authorities are not yet even sure Nature is alive.

Without Natureness, the greatest truth in our life that we can trust is not Nature, God, Love, or Honesty. Unfortunately, most of us don’t know what that truth is because we know it as them and their severe Natureness deficiency. Industrial Society has excessively injured or misled our great truth and then buried it alive in our hearts.

That’s what’s breaking each of us and the world.

Frankly, without knowing or being the Natureness of your greatest truth, how can you avoid or dispel the lies that deteriorate our personal and planet’s well-being?

How to remedy this tragedy? Learn to connect with Nature’s essence (Natureness). Heartfelt, enjoy doing this in a natural area, with your pet, houseplant, or your friend’s natural essence. You’ll love their therapeutic hugs and refreshing, sensible outcomes.

Note that asking you to think and learn about this here and now is part of the Natureness process. It brings the values of Natureness into the moment. So it’s working, right?

Nature’s essence can’t be degraded because, since forever and before, it is the purity of Nature’s wordless attraction (love) to begin life and dance it. Moreover, the happiness of its balance and beauty unites and purifies things by reasonably energizing all 54 of its/our senses, not just five.

At no cost, our accredited, whole-life Natureness outreach community enables you to grow from its practical, nature-connecting methods and materials responsibly. They can be part of your Project NatureConnect internship, certification, or degree training if you so desire.

Please accept this free, life-renewing gift in thanks for your interest in Natureness. Help your greatest truth help you. Incorporate, validate and enjoy its benefits.

You can join the Natureness outreach community via its core articles and pages.

Do yourself a special favor. Consider Project NatureConnect’s beautiful Natureness eco-arts, life experience, grants, certifications, degrees, or livelihood opportunities.

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